Wordless Wednesday






Tummy Tuesday

A shot of our two resident Frankensiblings together… aren’t they the loveliest twain ? As Frankette clearly enjoys the presence of her big brother, Franky simply lays it out wide and cozy. He likes his comfort, that kitty.

happy siblings

The picture may seem a bit blurry but that’s due to a new acquisition. I have bought myself a new All-Seeing Eye because the Canon Eos 350D is a tad cumbersome and we needed a smaller camera for those quick snapshots. Hence the Sony Cybershot DSC-W80 made its Grande Entrée in the House of Chaos. It’s got only 7 megapixels, has a lag between pushing the button and actually having the picture taken that takes aaaages, and I’m still figuring out the finer settings, but it does shoot films which is the only thing the Canon Monster can’t do. Cool.

More tummies can be admired at LisaViolet’s Dairy.